You Won’t Find It Here1 min read

It’s a gentle nudge, a soft whisper free from shame or condemnation in its tone, but I’ve ignored it more times than I’d care to admit.
As I’m picking up my phone.
As I’m opening the app.
As I watch another story.
As I double tap one more photo,
“You won’t find it here.”

Writing has been difficult for me in this season. I rarely deal with writer’s block, but right now I just feel void of things worth saying. I believe art and discipline go hand-in-hand, but it’s been hard to keep up a regular writing practice when inspiration seems to have gone into isolation without me.

But what I’m looking for, it can’t be found on social media, as the whisper keeps reminding me.
I won’t find the motivation scrolling.
I won’t find the inspiration hiding.
I won’t find the words unless I sit down and try.

Sometimes our creative climate looks different than what we want, but that doesn’t mean we quit. Your art, whatever it is, shouldn’t be put on a shelf until conditions are perfect. If you want to grow, you have to keep going even when it’s hard.

And the motivation and inspiration you need?
You won’t find it on Instagram or Netflix.
You’ll find it when you sit down and try.


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