Hello, Can You Hear Me?2 min read

In all of the courses or books on writing I have consumed (and the number is many because I am a great collector of shiny new experiences), almost all of them have advised me to write to an audience of one. Instead of worrying about appealing to everyone, picture one face and write only to them.

Through the years of my intermittent writing, I have imagined many of your faces sitting across from me as I type, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that the one I write most to is my own heart. 

This would probably explain why I have failed as a copywriter and clam up whenever someone asks me to write something on their behalf. I’m a verbal processor to the extreme, and seem to only know how to write messages from my heart to my heart. And I share what I discover with you, hoping it might be for your heart as well.

This, my friends, is the reason for the crickets around here.

As much as I have tried, I can’t seem to hear what my heart is saying. She’s quiet, and I can only guess as to why.

I have many guesses, actually: Fear, weariness, distraction, and grief. All at some point or other can claim responsibility for my writer’s block. But really, the blame belongs to me, doesn’t it? I haven’t created enough space to let my heart speak. I haven’t been patient enough to listen, either. I have drowned her voice out with constant noise. I’ve drowned out God’s voice too, for that matter.

Both are always speaking to us, if we are willing to listen. Sometimes it is a simple message, or a private message. It isn’t always loud or obvious, especially in different seasons. 

But I am going to ask you the same question I have finally started asking myself: Are you listening? 

Are you creating space to allow time to hear? What noise are you letting drown them out? Where are you hiding or running to? And why? If you are feeling lost, like I often do, let me encourage us both with this: Stop looking everywhere and to everyone else to tell you what your heart is trying to say.

However scary, exhausting, or intimidating, it’s time to mute the distracting chatter and listen. 

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