Hello Again.3 min read

Hi, I’m Marilla. Maybe you remember me? It sure has been awhile, hasn’t it? 

I’d like to give you a good reason for my absence. Heck! I’d really like to cast all the blame on the destructive mess of 2020. But the truth is, I have just been tired. 

So, so very tired. And I have a suspicion that you can relate, too.

While I will take complete ownership for my failure to show up, I know that this year has been really hard for most of us to stay motivated. The load of all of it has been heavy, and who can blame us for wanting to sit down and just take a beat?

Rest is good— you won’t ever find me saying otherwise. But if I’m honest, I crossed over the line of “resting” into “hiding” territory a while ago. Habits are hard to build and easy to quit, and I’ve recently discovered they are even harder to reinstate. While I’ve been busy neglecting to write, I’ve invented a 1,000 reasons of why I should just throw in the towel. And clearly, those reasons have been pretty compelling.

But here I am, back behind the keyboard, and I bet you’re probably wondering what made me finally return.

The answer?

I let myself believe that you didn’t really need any of the words I had to offer. I was so sure you were tired of me anyway. But when I got to thinking about how easy it was for me to just up and abandon my dreams, I started thinking about you and all the wonderful things you are created to do. If it was that easy for me to walk away, I realized it must be just as easy for you to give up on your ambitions too. If I could so easily believe the lie that what I have to offer isn’t enough, maybe you have also found yourself believing the same. 

I don’t want a world without the beautiful gifts you have to bring. So here I am, dusting off my own dreams in hopes that, if for no other reason, you’ll be inspired to keep going with yours. 

Friend, this has been a tough year. I can’t promise you next year will be any easier. I can promise you that eventually in your life you’ll face another time that challenges you to keep holding on and pressing through, though. And as hard as it is, let me be the voice that encourages you to keep going anyway. It might look different. You may require rest at some points. It will most assuredly get hard again. But that dream you’re holding onto? That hope you find yourself clinging to? Those gifts and talents you possess? They are worth all the hard, I promise.

I’m tired. You’re tired. What an interesting time in history where we are all collectively so freaking exhausted. But let’s not give up now. If you find yourself in a similar position as I find myself where you already did give up, let my presence here today be all the permission you need to start again. It’ll be uncomfortable, and probably fairly awkward, but you can pick up right where you left off. It’s time to hit the “resume” button.

Are you ready? On the count of three, take a deep breath and stand back up. 



  1. Matilda,
    I sooo needed to hear that! Tired is a small word but so big of a action word and sometimes hard to fight…. but the HIS word says the battle isn’t ours it’s the Lords! So be encouraged we are truly all in this together. Love reading your messages and I did wonder what had happened and I was right … just tired be of good cheer for what we are going through is only temporary and that little Sister is my word to you. Your created to worship so worship your way through!

    God Bless you and your Family for your serving our Church Family.

    Merry Christmas and a Much Blessed New Year!

    Sherry DeCosta

  2. Well said, my friend, and so completely relatable. This has been such a season of “tired”. Thanks for the encouragement. ❤️

  3. Oh Marilla this could not have come at a more perfect day. I have been wondering where you’ve been. I though maybe you were mad at me for something and dropped me. I could not figure out why but I was too scared to just call you and ask. That is so wrong of me. I have missed you so much. We are all so so tired. I’m tired and not motivated at all but hearing from you today makes my heart sing. I love you girl. Things will get better. Darrell and I can’t wait until it is safe to come visit you all in Idaho. We so understand girl.

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