My love language is adventure, which I assume was left out of “The 5 Love Languages” because it deserves a book of its own.

Being with people gives me a true adrenaline rush, which is probably the prerequisite to defining oneself as an “extrovert.

I married my first and only boyfriend, which either makes me naive or a fantastic decision maker.

My affection can be bought with great chips and salsa.

Playing “Desert Island” gives me anxiety because I can’t commit to only three books for all eternity, even hypothetically.

I prefer odd numbers because I want there to be a visual middle integer.

My kids inherited my eyes and wild determination.

Jumping out of an airplane terrifies me, so I have an insatiable need to do it.

I believe words are one of the greatest gifts God gave us.

You won’t find revolutionary ideas here, but I hope you find messages full of faith and joy. I hope you come to believe you are capable of doing hard things. I hope you discover freedom and truth. I hope you feel welcome and cherished. I hope most of all that together we can learn more about God’s unfailing goodness and how to trust Him when we doubt it.

Thank you for reading and allowing me to share all the ideas floating around in my head. It lights up my spirits knowing I have friends to share the journey with.

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